When Does Healthy Eating Go Too Far?

Eating healthy is highly emphasized by many groups in our culture but when does it go from “being healthy” to a full blown eating disorder? As a health professional specializing in eating disorders, I’m often asked “What is Orthorexia?” Orthorexia Nervosa is characterized by an obsession with proper or ‘healthful’ eating and a drive to attain the “perfect diet.” Orthorexia can easily go unnoticed because it does not seem abnormal to appear “obsessed” with healthy eating in today’s culture when influencers on social media are promoting extreme “clean eating” and new diet trends left and right.

If you shape nutrition advice into unbreakable rules and your fixation on healthy eating begins to damage your own well-being, it’s important that you seek out professional help as soon as possible.

Thank you to WNYW Fox5 News in NYC for asking me to speak on this very important topic!

There’s a lot of people hiding [disordered eating] behind wellness trends.
— Renee McGregor

To learn more about this important topic check out this informative article: https://time.com/5756757/orthorexia-clean-eating/